Supervisors in mineral and metal processing supervise and co-ordinate the activities of workers engaged in mineral and metal processing and manufacturing. They are employed in mineral ore and metal processing plants such as copper, lead and zinc refineries, uranium processing plants, steel mills, aluminum plants, precious metal refineries, cement processing plants, clay, glass and stone processing plants and foundries.
Job Titles
1. Alumina plant foreman/woman
2. Annealing foreman/woman
3. Annealing foreman/woman - primary metal processing
4. Anodizing foreman/woman - primary metal processing
5. Asbestos manufacturing foreman/woman
6. Ball mill foreman/woman - mineral products processing
7. Blast furnace foreman/woman
8. Brick and tile foreman/woman
9. Casting operations foreman/woman
10. Casting room foreman/woman
11. Cement manufacturing supervisor
12. Cement processing foreman/woman
13. Cement processing supervisor
14. Clay preparation foreman/woman
15. Clay products manufacturing foreman/woman
16. Clay shop foreman/woman
17. Clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operations foreman/woman
18. Clay, glass and stone furnace and kiln operators supervisor
19. Coal-and-coke crushing and grinding foreman/woman
20. Coke ovens foreman/woman
21. Coke screening foreman/woman
22. Coke screening foreman/woman - mineral and metal processing
23. Concentrator foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
24. Concrete products foreman/woman
25. Converter foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
26. Coremaking foreman/woman
27. Coremaking foreman/woman - foundry
28. Coremaking foreman/woman - mineral processing
29. Crushing and grinding operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
30. Crushing and grinding supervisor - primary metal and mineral products
31. Die casting foreman/woman - foundry
32. Die casting supervisor
33. Electrolytic cell operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
34. Extruding foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
35. Extruding foreman/woman - primary metal processing
36. Filter plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
37. Foundry foreman/woman
38. Foundry supervisor
39. Furnace operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
40. Galvanizing foreman/woman - metal and mineral products processing
41. Glass cutters supervisor
42. Glass cutting foreman/woman
43. Glass engraving foreman/woman
44. Glass forming foreman/woman
45. Glass furnace foreman/woman
46. Glass processing foreman/woman
47. Glass products manufacturing foreman/woman
48. Glass-grinders and glass-polishers foreman/woman
49. Inspecting, testing and grading foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
50. Kiln workers foreman/woman - clay products
51. Labourers foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
52. Lead refining foreman/woman
53. Lime preparation foreman/woman
54. Melting and roasting department supervisor
55. Melting and roasting foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
56. Melting and roasting operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
57. Melting-furnace and roasting-furnace foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
58. Metal casters, moulders and coremakers foreman/woman
59. Metal casting, moulding and coremaking foreman/woman
60. Metal heat-treating foreman/woman - primary metal processing
61. Metal rolling foreman/woman
62. Metal smelting, converting and refining foreman/woman
63. Metal-extruding and metal-drawing foreman/woman
64. Mica processing foreman/woman
65. Milling plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
66. Mixing and separating operations foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
67. Mixing plant foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
68. Moulding foreman/woman - foundry
69. Ore milling foreman/woman
70. Ore milling supervisor
71. Oxygen furnace foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
72. Pot room foreman/woman - primary metal and mineral products processing
73. Pot room foreman/woman - primary metal processing
74. Precast concrete working foreman/woman
75. Primary metal and mineral products processing foreman/woman
76. Primary metal and mineral products processing supervisor
77. Quenching foreman/woman - mineral and metal processing