Aboriginal school community teacher - secondary school
Academic subjects high school teacher
Academic subjects secondary school teacher
Accounting teacher - secondary school
Adult education teacher - secondary school
Algebra teacher - secondary school
Art teacher - secondary school
Arts and crafts teacher - secondary school
Biology teacher - secondary school
Business and commerce teacher - secondary school
Business education teacher
Business teacher - secondary school
Calculus teacher - secondary school
Career and life management teacher
Career and technology studies teacher
Career education teacher
Career exploration teacher
Chemistry teacher - secondary school
Classical languages secondary school teacher
Commerce teacher - secondary school
Computer technology teacher - secondary school
Cooking teacher - secondary school
Cooperative education teacher
Cooperative learning teacher
Correspondence teacher - secondary school
Data processing teacher - secondary school
Distance education teacher - secondary school
Drama teacher - secondary school
Economics teacher - secondary school
English as a second language (ESL) high school teacher
English literature high school teacher
English teacher - secondary school
Ethics teacher - secondary school
Fine arts teacher - secondary school
French as a second language teacher - secondary school
French teacher - secondary school
Geography teacher - secondary school
Geometry teacher - secondary school
German teacher - secondary school
Greek teacher - secondary school
Guest teacher - secondary school
Health education teacher - secondary school
High school teacher
High school teacher - outdoor activities
History teacher - secondary school
Home economics teacher - secondary school
Humanities teacher - high school
Industrial and vocational education teacher - secondary school
Industrial arts teacher - secondary school
Information technology teacher - secondary school
Italian teacher - secondary school
Latin teacher - secondary school
Librarian-teacher - high school
Mathematics teacher - secondary school
Modern languages teacher - secondary school
Music teacher - secondary school
Native school community teacher - secondary school
Outdoor physical education teacher - secondary school
Physical and health education teacher - secondary school
Physical education teacher - secondary school
Physical science teacher - secondary school
Physics teacher - secondary school
Practical and applied arts teacher
Private teacher - secondary school
Reading clinician - secondary school
Religious education high school teacher
Remedial teacher - secondary school
School teacher - secondary school
Science high school teacher
Science teacher - secondary school
Secondary school department head
Secondary school reading clinician
Secondary school teacher
Secondary school vocational teacher
Sewing teacher - secondary school
Sheet metal instructor - secondary school
Social sciences teacher - secondary school
Spanish teacher - secondary school
Special education teacher - secondary school
Special needs teacher - secondary school
Special programs teacher - secondary school
Substitute high school teacher
Substitute teacher - secondary school
Supply high school teacher
Technical and vocational teacher - secondary school
Trades instructor - secondary school
Vocational high school teacher
Vocational secondary school teacher
Vocational teacher - secondary school