Bargaining agent
Benefits consultant
Certified disability management professional
Claims manager - compensation and benefits
Classification officer - human resources
Classification policy adviser
Classification specialist
Collective agreement negotiator
Compensation and benefits co-ordinator
Compensation and classification analyst
Compensation consultant
Compensation officer
Compensation research analyst
Compensation researcher-analyst
Conciliation officer - employee relations
Conciliator - labour
Disability case manager - human resources
Disability management co-ordinator
Disability management practitioner
Disability management professional
Disability management specialist
Employee relations officer
Employee services officer
Employer-employee relations co-ordinator
Employment adviser - human resources
Employment equity adviser - human resources
Employment equity co-ordinator
Employment equity officer
Employment practices officer
Human resources adviser
Human resources classification officer
Human resources consultant
Human resources co-ordinator
Human resources generalist
Human resources management consultant
Human resources planning consultant
Human resources policy analyst
Human resources policy officer
Human resources program supervisor
Human resources research officer
Human resources specialist
Human resources supervisor
Industrial relations consultant
Industrial relations officer
In-house training manager
Job analyst
Job and wage analyst
Job classification system analyst
Job evaluation analyst
Job evaluation supervisor
Job evaluator
Labour adjudicator
Labour organization agent
Labour organization business agent
Labour organization business representative
Labour organization liaison officer
Labour organization negotiator
Labour organizer
Labour relations board officer
Labour relations consultant
Labour relations co-ordinator
Labour relations officer
Labour relations returning officer
Labour relations specialist
Labour union business agent
Labour union liaison officer
Mediator - labour relations
Occupational analyst - human resources
Personnel research officer
Personnel standards officer
Position classifier
Salary analyst
Senior industrial relations officer
Senior negotiating officer - labour dispute resolution
Staff relations administrator
Staff relations officer
Staff training and development officer
Staff training and development supervisor
Staff training officer - human resources
Training adviser
Training and development consultant
Training programs supervisor
Union adviser
Union organizer
Union representative
Wage analyst