2 to 5 years experience required
30,500 AUD to 47,300 AUD P.A.
187,190, 407, 491, 491(st/es), Tss*
Regional Occupation List (ROL)
5 to 6 Months
Permanent Full Time
1. planning and coordinating the production and marketing of crops, such as grain, cotton, sugar cane, fruit and nuts, vegetables, turf and flowers, from soil preparation to harvest taking into account environmental and market factors
2. selecting and planting seeds, seedlings and bulbs, and grafting new varieties to root stocks
3. maintaining crop production by cultivating, de-budding and pruning, and maintaining optimal growing conditions
4. organising and conducting farming operations, such as collecting, storing, grading and packaging produce, and organising the sale, purchase and despatch of produce
5. directing and overseeing general farming activities such as fertilising and pest and weed control
6. maintaining farm buildings, fences, equipment and water supply systems
7. maintaining and evaluating records of farming activities, monitoring market activity, and planning crop preparation and production to meet contract requirements and market demand
8. managing business capital including budgeting, taxation, debt and loan management
9. may select, train and supervise staff and contractors
UG: Any Undergraduate in any specialization
Graduate: Graduation Not Required
PG: Post Graduation Not Required
Doctorate: Doctorate not required
One Time Membership Fees | Rs. 6,500/- (5,508.47 + 991.53 (18% GST)) |
At the time of Agreement | Rs 85,000 + 18% GST |
VFS Global Services Fees (Application Submission for Primary Applicant) | Rs. 1,248/- |
Secondary Client/ Applicant Fee | Rs.874/- (If Applicable) |
Embassy Fees | https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/fees-and-charges/overview |