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Location Uttam Nagar West, New Delhi

Advertising Manager

ANZSCO Code - 131113

2 to 5 years experience required

30,500 AUD to 47,300 AUD P.A.


Job Profile Detail

Plans, organises, directs, controls and coordinates the advertising activities within an organisation. 

Available Visa Options

187,190, 407, 491, 491(st/es), Tss*

Occupational List

Regional Occupation List (ROL)

Process Time

5 to 6 Months

Job Status

Permanent Full Time

Job Duties

Advertising, promotions, and marketing managers typically do the following:

  1. Work with department heads or staff to discuss topics such as budgets and contracts, marketing plans, and the selection of advertising media
  2. Plan promotional campaigns such as contests, coupons, or giveaways
  3. Negotiate advertising contracts
  4. Evaluate the look and feel of websites used in campaigns or layouts, which are sketches or plans for an advertisement
  5. Initiate market research studies and analyze their findings to understand customer and market opportunities for businesses
  6. Develop pricing strategies for products or services marketed to the target customers
  7. Meet with clients to provide marketing or related advice
  8. Direct the hiring of advertising, promotions, and marketing staff and oversee their daily activities
  9. Inform public about a company's goods and services.
  10. Set budgeting goals.
  11. Develop advertising campaigns, including TV ads, commercials, ads for radio, pay-per-click, banner, and other Internet ads.
  12. Create direct mail initiatives.
  13. Measure ad effectiveness and optimize if needed.
  14. Coordinate staff members who create and deliver ads.
  15. Create, review, approve, and revise copy.
  16. Oversee media buying.
  17. Work with account executives to come up with ad campaigns.
  18. Select agencies to partner with.
  19. Approve agency plans.
  20. Work with sales staff to generate ideas for the campaign.
  21. Oversee creative staff.
  22. Prepare cost estimates for campaigns.
  23. Serve as liaisons between the firm requiring the advertising and an advertising or promotion agency that actually develops and places the ads.
  24. Oversee in-house accounts.
  25. Present campaigns during pitches.
  26. Approve changes to budget as needed.
  27. Cast actors for voiceovers and commercials.
  28. Preside over TV, radio, and film shoots.
  29. Identify potential markets.

Key Skills

Education Requirement

UG:                          Any Undergraduate in any specialization
Graduate:               Graduation Not Required
PG:                          Post Graduation Not Required
Doctorate:              Doctorate not required

State Nomination Availabilty

State Capital Visa subclass 190 Visa subclass 491 Official Website
ACT Australian Capital Territory Canberra Open Open
NSW New South Wales Sydney Closed Closed
NT Northern Territory Darwin Closed Closed
QLD Queensland Brisbane Closed Closed
SA South Australia Adelaide Open Open
TAS Tasmania Hobart Closed Closed
VIC Victoria Melbourne Closed Closed
WA Western Australia Perth Closed Closed

What are document required to apply job in Australia?

Fee Structure

One Time Membership Fees Rs. 6,500/- (5,508.47 + 991.53 (18% GST))
At the time of Agreement Rs 85,000 + 18% GST

Other Fee

VFS Global Services Fees (Application Submission for Primary Applicant) Rs. 1,248/-
Secondary Client/ Applicant Fee Rs.874/- (If Applicable)
Embassy Fees https://immi.homeaffairs.gov.au/visas/getting-a-visa/fees-and-charges/overview