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Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream

The Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP) Self-Employed Farmer Stream aims to attract farm owners/operators who plan to live in Alberta in order to purchase and manage their farming business.

Alberta Self-Employed Farmer Stream

The AINP assesses applicants' eligibility by working closely with Alberta's Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.

To be considered for immigration to Alberta under this stream, individuals with the intention to set up a farming business in Alberta must demonstrate farm management skills and sufficient financial resources to invest in a primary production farming business in Alberta.

Minimum Requirements

Self-employed farmers must meet the following minimum requirements in order to be eligible to apply to this stream:

  • Prove that they have farm management skills with:
    • Financial documentation of existing farm business;
    • Financial documentation of existing farm business;
    • Proof of education, training, and work experience;
    • A proposed business plan that describes the Alberta farming business the applicant plans to operate; and
    • Proof that a Canadian financial institution is willing to finance the applicant's farming business operations in Alberta.
  • Prove that they have sufficient financial resources for this venture:
    • Must be able to invest a minimum of CAD $500,000 of equity in a primary production farming business in Alberta; and
    • Show a minimum net worth of CAD $500,000 or confirmation of access to similar funds from other sources.

    Note: $500,000 is a minimum investment amount. A larger amount may be required to demonstrate investment ability.

  • Prove that they will invest in a primary production farming business in Alberta:
    • Document investment intentions in the proposed business plan; and
    • The Government of Alberta prioritizes applications that show the greatest opportunity for growth based on Alberta’s agri-food targets.
  • Attend an in-person interview with a Government of Alberta representative who determines the applicant's eligibility under the AINP.

Who is not eligible to apply to the AINP Self-Employed Farmer Stream

Candidates are not eligible to apply if they are:

  • Refugee claimants, or individuals involved in a federal appeal or removal process;
  • Live-in caregivers currently residing in Canada;
  • Temporary Foreign Workers working and residing in a province other than Alberta; and
  • International students studying in Canada, including students doing co-op work placements or internships as part of their study program.
History Image The first step towards a successful Canadian working visa application is getting an evaluation of your case. Fill out our online immigration evaluation, and we will get back to you within 24 hours to discuss your eligibility and visa options.